ACE Englishで教える講師たち
Our teachers
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Martin Lovatt |
School Director
マーティン ローヴァット |
Hi, my name's Martin and I'm from Stoke in the north of England. My hometown is famous
for pottery and if you ever visit, you should go to the Wedgwood factory outlet shop in
Barlaston. They sell "seconds" there and you can find some great bargains! You can talk
to some of the pottery designers at the factory, too. Of course, whenever you travel abroad
you'll probably need to speak some English, so why don't you join us at ACE and enjoy
learning English together?
Jay Zimmerli |
ジェイ ジマリー |
I'm from Portland, Oregon, on the west coast of the USA. It's pretty well-known for roses, microbrewery beer and coffee. It's also a good place for most outdoor sports. The best time to visit is from May to September, but unfortunately it rains a lot in the other months.
I look forward to helping you improve your English!
Mathew Nutting |
マシュー ナッティング |
Hi, I'm Mathew from Tasmania, Australia, which is a great place to visit if you like the outdoors. Of course, if you travel anywhere abroad, you'll really need English. So let's have fun while learning and practicing English together! I'm looking forward to meeting you!
Cheryl Oldham |
シェリル オールドハム |
Hi I’m Cheryl I’m from London… London, Ontario in Canada. We also have a town called Paris! Canada is famous for its nature. I think the most famous sightseeing spot in Ontario is Niagara Falls. Whenever I go there I can hear languages from around the world. I recommend a boat trip on the Maid of the Mist. Over 2,500,000 litres of water pass over the falls every second. It’s an amazing sight! The area is also famous for wine. After visiting the falls you can go for a vineyard tour and enjoy a relaxing glass of wine. Maybe you’d like to try ice wine?
Andy Highcock |
アンディ ハイコック |
Hello, my name is Andy and I’m from Manchester, England. Manchester is in the North-West of England and the people are known as Mancunians. The city is famous for the Industrial Revolution and it has a great Science and Industry Museum. Manchester is also well known for music and sport. The city is home to both Manchester United and City football clubs and famous bands like Oasis and The Smiths. I want to wish you well at Ace English and look forward to helping you with your studies. |
Ian Kenyon |
イアン ケニヨン |
My name is Ian and I'm from London. London is a very big city (although Londoners don't call it a city - they call it London Town). I come from a place called Greenwich, which is in south London. Perhaps you've heard of Greenwich in Geography class at school? It's quite famous. My hometown is of course full of interesting places to see, but it is also interesting because it is the most international city in the world. People from every country in the world live there, and they all use English to communicate with one another! If you are thinking about studying English, visiting London will inspire you! But if you have already decided that you want to study English, please come and see us. You won't find a better school than ACE!
Stephen Case |
スティーブン・ケイス |
Hello everyone, my name is Stephen. Although I have lived in a lot of places in my life I always say I am from London. Now I live in Kokura which has been my home for over 10 years. I love teaching, talking and most of all getting to know people. I hope to get to know all of the people who study at ACE. To really improve at anything requires practice but also constant feedback so do not hesitate to ask me anything ever.
Look forward to meeting you all,
Jasmine Misumi |
ジャスミン ミスミ |
Hi, I'm Jasmine. I grew up in Vancouver, Canada. A lot of people think that it's the capital but the capital city of Canada is Ottawa. Many movies and TV shows are filmed in Vancouver. For example, Rumble in the Bronx, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-Part 1, X-Files, the list goes on. So if you like watching movies and American dramas, you may notice some of the places if you visit my hometown. Don't forget to bring an umbrella with you. We're also known as Raincouver! I'm looking forward to chatting with you at ACE.