About language learning |
Many English schools claim that their “English-learning system” is the best. However, learning English is not about systems − it’s about people − language learners. English schools are not the centre of language learning. The learner is. Each student is an individual and we all have our own preferred ways to study. What works for some people doesn’t always work for others. If we want to make good progress, we need to use the learning methods that best suit us.
Language learning needs a sense of purpose − even if that purpose is something general, like trying to improve the quality of life, for example − and an ability to maintain the motivation to improve over the longer-term. Language learning takes time and effort, but the real key is maintaining motivation. The problem with motivation is it’s like a muscle, when we use it, it gets tired!
So how can we maintain motivation in language learning over the long-term? Three points are worth considering:
1. Use effort wisely.
2. Find enjoyment in some aspect of the learning process.
3. Measure progress regularly.
So let’s consider these points in more detail:
1. Use effort wisely
We have a saying in English that “Practice makes perfect”. On the surface this sounds true, but it is, in fact, false. The truth is that “Good practice makes perfect” (although I prefer “Good practice makes good enough” rather than “perfect” as perfection is an impossible goal − and a handicap in the language-learning process!). The point is, it’s important to find our individual “Good practice”.
First we need to find our most effective learning strategies. Not a teacher’s; not an English school’s, not our best friend’s ideas. Our own best way. Every adult learner already has successful learning skills in some area. Maybe we can cook? Maybe we’re good at yoga? Perhaps we are good at accounting or bookkeeping? So we need to ask ourselves, ‘How did I become good at…?’ ‘What did I do to improve?’ By asking ourselves these questions, we notice two things: (i) We already know how to improve in some area, and (ii) We have our own preferred way of learning things. Now we make a list of our preferred learning strategies and think about how to adapt them to our language studies. If we use our own preferred way of learning, we will be utilising the most efficient manner − for us. This is the most productive way to use effort.
2. Find enjoyment in some aspect of the learning process.
In the past, I have run a few marathons. I’m not a natural runner and I hate running marathons. It’s boring, hard work and takes up a lot of time for training. But I love the feeling when I cross the finish line. It’s fantastic − I’m filled with a real sense of achievement. All the pain was worth it for that one moment. Now, I’m not suggesting here that another old English saying “No pain, no gain” is always true because sometimes there’s only pain! However, my point is that for something to be truly satisfying over the long-term, enjoyment is necessary.
Real satisfaction comes from a tough journey resulting in personal achievement. Eating an ice cream is enjoyable − but do we feel a sense of achievement after eating it? To continue anything over a longer period of time, we need to find the enjoyment that comes from achievement. Without it, we will give up − and waste the efforts we have already made.
3. Measure progress regularly.
You will have noticed by now that in fact these three points are all interrelated − like the corners of a triangle. To find a sense of enjoyment − which includes both pain, and the satisfaction of achievement - we need to measure what it is that we have achieved. In the marathon, the distance from the start line is deliberately marked: 5kms, 10kms, 15kms etc. along the route. Even though the markers don’t make the finish line any closer, they motivate runners by allowing us to measure how far we’ve already come.
Measuring distance is easy, but how can we measure our English? An English student once said to me that studying English is like emptying the sea with a bucket. No matter how many times you fill the bucket and throw the water over your shoulder, the sea never goes down. This can be very demotivating. The trick is, of course, to look back over our shoulder and notice the lake that we have made over time with our bucket. How deep is the lake? How wide? How long? When we measure the lake, we notice how much progress we have made − and this motivates us to continue our efforts − not in “sea-emptying” but in “lake-building”.
So, measuring our progress is the key to maintaining our motivation − and finding a sense of achievement and satisfaction in what we have already achieved.
There are many ways to measure English progress, but one clear method is to take a test. So, let’s say we take the TOIEC test and our score goes up. Well, we’ve clearly improved and the satisfaction of obtaining a better score will motivate us to study and improve again. But what happens when our TOEIC score goes down? We may initially feel demotivated. But actually, this is also useful information on our journey to becoming a better English speaker − and this can also be a source of motivation. What information does a lower score give us? Well, maybe our study methods need to improve? Maybe we need to find a better English school or switch to online learning? Maybe we’re studying in unproductive ways? Or maybe we just need a rest − a break from study for a while until we feel like studying again? The list is endless (and subjective), but these kinds of questions give us useful information about the next step to take in our language-learning process.
An English school will only ever be a very small part of your English-learning journey. We can offer some guidance and a positive environment to improve your English communication skills, but the bottom line is you know the best way ahead for you if you take the time to think about it. We’re here to help, but only if you think you need an English school as one part of your language-learning process. You are the best judge of that.
Good luck with your English studies!
では、どうすれば語学学習に対するモチベーションを長期間維持することができるでしょうか?検討すべき3つの点を以下に挙げています。 |
1. 賢く努力する。
2. 学習プロセスに楽しい一面を見つける。
3. 定期的に自分がどれだけ上達したかを測る。
1. 賢く努力する
英語には「Practice makes perfect(練習を積めば完璧になる)」という諺があります。一見その通りのように聞こえますが、実際には違います。「Good practice makes perfect(良い練習を積めば完璧になる)」(「Perfect(完璧)」になるのは不可能であり、語学を学ぶ過程において障害となるため、「Good practice makes good enough(良い練習を積めば十分に良くなる)」の方が、個人的には良いと思いますが!)つまり、それぞれ自分にあった「良い練習」を見つけることが重要なのです。
2. 学習プロセスに楽しい一面を見つける
私はこれまでに、マラソンを何度か走ったことがあります。私は才能のあるランナーではなくマラソンを走るのは嫌いです。マラソンは退屈で、きつく、トレーニングに多大な時間を要します。しかし、ゴールテープを越える時の感覚は大好きです。あの感覚は素晴らしい――私は真の達成感に満たされます。あの瞬間を思うと、全ての苦しみに価値を見出せます。さて、私は古い英語の諺「No pain, no gain(痛みなくして得るものなし)」が常に正しいと言っているわけではありません。なぜなら、時には痛みしかないこともありますから!私が言いたいのは、何かを長期間に渡り満足いくものにするには、楽しむことは必須だということです。
3. 定期的に自分がどれだけ上達したかを測る